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иремагазине представлены электронные книги, которые можно читать вбраузере, на планшетном ПК, телефоне или специальномустройстве.Перейти в Google Play »Tracking andDisrupting the Illicit Antiquities Trade with Open SourceDataMatthew Sargent,James V. Marrone,Alexandra Evans,Bilyana Lilly,Erik Nemeth, Stephen DalzellRand Corporation, 30июн. 2020 г. - Всего страниц:166 0ОтзывыThe illicit antiquitiesmarket has become an area of concern for policymakers. It is fueledby a well-documented rise in looting at archaeological sites and afear that the proceeds of such looting may be financing terrorismor rogue states. Efforts to craft effective policy responses arehindered by the lack of data and evidence on two fronts: the sizeof the market and the network structure of participants. In lieu ofreliable evidence on these two fronts, the conversation has beendominated by speculation and hypotheses and has generated somewidely accepted theories of how the illicit antiquities marketoperates. In this report, the authors compile evidence fromnumerous open sources to outline the major policy-relevantcharacteristics of that market and to propose the way forward fordeveloping policies intended to disrupt illicit networks. Theapproach uses multiple methods and data sources, with theunderstanding that no single piece of evidence can provide acomplete picture of the market and that only by cross-referencingand triangulating among various sources can salient marketcharacteristics be illuminated. Просмотреть книгу»Отзывы - НаписатьотзывНе удалось найти ни одного отзыва.СодержаниеIntroduction1Antiquities Trafficking and Its Role in FinancingTerrorism5Smuggling Networks and Sales Channels Results fromInterviews23Antiquities Trafficking Online43Measuring the International Trade inAntiquities69Policy Responses to Illicit Trafficking and FutureResearch87APPENDIXES99References133About the Authors145Back Cover146Авторские права
Другие издания - Просмотреть всеTracking and Disrupting the Illicit AntiquitiesTrade with Open Source Data
MatthewSargent,James V.Marrone,Alexandra T.Evans,Bilyana Lilly,Erik Nemeth,StephenDalzell
Ограниченный просмотр -2020
Часто встречающиеся слова и выраженияaccounts activity additional advertised analysis ancient anonymity antiquities marketantiquities tradeantiquities traffickingarchaeological artifacts auction authors border brokers Bulgaria buyers channels Chapter claimed coins collected communication conducted contacts countries crime criminal Cultural Cultural Propertycustoms dark dealers demand described discussion documented drugs eBay elastic enforcement estimates Europe evidence example excavation existing export Facebook Figure given global groups Heritage historical identify illegal illicit illicit antiquitiesillicit market images important increased interest interviews involved Iraq Islamic Italy limited listed locations looting major means Middle East million Museum networks noted objects observed offered organized platforms postings potential provenance region relatively sell sellers smuggler smuggling sold specific Study suggest supply Syria Telegram transactions Turkey types United users volume weapons WorldБиблиографические данныеНазваниеTracking and Disruptingthe Illicit Antiquities Trade with Open Source DataАвторыMatthew Sargent, James V. Marrone, Alexandra Evans, Bilyana Lilly, Erik Nemeth, Stephen DalzellИздание:иллюстрированноеИздательRand Corporation,2020ISBN1977401481,9781977401489КоличествостраницВсего страниц:166 ЭкспортцитатыBiBTeX EndNote RefManО GoogleКнигах - Политикаконфиденциальности - Условия использования- Информациядля издателей - Сообщить о проблеме - Справка - Главная страницаGoogle

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